Miriam < Harmony
Carefully observe the deeds of others and how they make you feel rather than listening to their words.
You will learn much this.
Your sagacity will grow.
New insights into an old problem will bring enlightenment.
Phil Booth
There is only peace."
Kip Mazuy
"......this year is all about prosperity,
abundance ~ enjoying ~ appreciating ~
the physical experience of being alive.
I'm here for some reason,
I'm going to enjoy it.
Happy New Year ~ Peace, Prosperity and Play"
Miriam Harmony
Kip Mazuy
At the core of every experience is stillness.
You don't get to stillness
by rejecting your experience in this moment
for some idea of silence,
but by allowing your experience in this moment.
You relax into allowing this moment
to be exactly as it is
and just by doing this
all of the activity you are doing on top of what is
naturally here begins to clear away.
Because most of the suffering
comes from all of the activity you are doing
on top of what is naturally here.
Mainly, you are involved with thinking.
You are trying to get something,
change something,
escape something,
fight something, plan something.
If you let go of all that active pushing and pulling
and just allow your experience to be,
your attention can rest here,
your attention can relax back into its
natural state of stillness.
However you are in this moment,
whatever you are feeling,
you just allow it without analyzing it.
What is in this moment, simply is.
And the core of that is-ness is stillness.
The essence of every experience is pure consciousness.
You do not become consciousness,
you just stop obsessing over thinking
and just allow everything to be.
And then it is clear that consciousness simply is.
That there is only peace.
There is no room for anything else.
Opposites cannot exist in this peace.
There is only peace.
Kip Mazuy