4:59 AM-4/22/19
*“The Snake was only a stick”
**SLEEP = Return to Immortal Core
(these * ** notes are next: below first photos)
SLEEP = ("POOF") Return to Immortal Core
Why it is necessary for our survival
From the moment we fall asleep our soul moves away from our physical body
and goes to join the universal Soul.
During the body's rest, an entire process of cleansing and purification takes place.
Subtle ties known as the 'silver cord'
keep the soul connected to the physical body
when it leaves it.
On its return,
the soul finds the house swept,
cleaned and washed,
and it can take up its work again.
If the soul did not leave the body in this way,
we would die from poisoning and asphyxiation,
because the work of cleansing could not be done.
You may wonder where these toxins and poisons come from.
They are produced quite simply because life is a combustion.
All the physical, emotional and mental activities we know as 'life' give off forces,
but they also leave behind impurities
which take a while to be eliminated.
So it is necessary for the soul to withdraw from the body
so the cleansing can take place.
Sleep is the solution that cosmic Intelligence has found
so that we can continue to live.
Omraam Mikhael Aivanho
and its own seasonal emergence from within,
a ripening from the core,
a seed growing in our own bodies;
it is as if we are put into relationship with
an enormous distance inside us
leading back to some unknown origin
with its own secret timing
indifferent to our wills,
and gifted at the same time
with an intimate sense of proximity,
to a lover, to a future,
to a transformation,
to a life
we want for ourselves,
and to the beauty of
the sky and the ground
that surrounds us.
essentially to risk ourselves in the world,
that we are a form of invitation to others and to otherness,
that we are meant to hazard ourselves for the right thing,
for the right woman or the right man,
for a son or a daughter,
for the right work or for a gift given against all the odds.
In longing we move and are moving
from a known but abstracted elsewhere,
to a beautiful, about to be reached, someone,
something or somewhere we want to call our own.
demands absolute presence,
and absolute giving away,
an ability to live on equal terms
with the fleeting and the eternal,
the hardly touchable and the fully possible,
a full bodily appearance and disappearance,
a rested giving in and giving up;
another identity braver,
more generous and more here
than the one looking hungrily
for the easy,
unearned answer.
~David Whyte
John McIntosh
The seemingly endless rays
[individual separated beings]
of the ONE we ‘are’,
when immersed in the delusion of separation,
take on a kaleidoscope of unique conditioning.
When one sleeps and dreams behind this veil,
they are subject to the dream of reincarnation
and in those many dream lives,
they ‘relive’ the conditioning over and over again
until a dreamer begins to AWAKEN
from their long slumber.
That one may choose to enter a dysfunctional lineage
that emphasizes a particular manifestation of conditioning
such as ‘abuse’ … with its many branches.
engages in and fosters this belief/habit
the ‘awakening one’ becomes a source of Light
that begins to ‘dilute’
this toxic energy ‘for the entire group’ of sleepers
living out their karmic dream in this way.
the ‘black sheep’ of the family and may be ‘outcast’ in some way,
but their growing Awareness is weakening the dysfunctional pattern.
This makes it possible for ‘many’ to be released from this uninterrupted cycle. While there ‘are’ no ‘others’ in Truth …
the dream of separation is very convincing,
and this is one aspect of the
Infinite Divine Love
You Are drawing IT SELF Home.
often ‘take on’ an entire planet of imbalanced energy
to help reduce its ancient ‘hold’
over the many who sleep in painful dreams.
Attached to nothing,
He roamed,
He explored.
Never becoming,
Only being.
He was like the wind,
Ungraspable, uncontainable.
Wu Hsin
Silent or chattering mind.
But who speaks about the source of mind,
What resides behind the mind?
Silent mind or chattering mind are conditions.
Wu Hsin speaks only of the Unconditioned.
Wu Hsin
Direct experience speaks louder.
Then, silence prevails.
It is for this reason that
Wu Hsin writes.
Wu Hsin
Upon investigation, he discovered that
Thoughts arise in the expanse of awareness and that
There is no thinker thinking.
A spectator in the audience.
He may laugh.
He may cry.
He carries on his normal activities.
The support of these activities.
Wu Hsin
A mental process any more than
Blue sky is created by
A clearing in the clouds.
Wu Hsin
The god that man has imagined in his own image, the god
that man made according to his own wishes, the god that is
nothing but the projection of man's mind and desires; that
god is certainly dead. That god never really existed.
The untrue MUST cease for the truth to be.
You have to become more conscious of your Consciousness.
You have to become more aware of your Awareness.
A point of stillness comes where you are simply aware of
your [inner] Awareness...
When Awareness [the Core Being] is the only content of your
awareness, that is the moment when The Guest is found...
Brief excerpts from the link below....
The Guest is inside you, and also inside me;
you know the sprout is hidden inside the seed.
We are all struggling; none of us has gone far.
Let your arrogance go, and look around inside.
The blue sky opens out farther and farther,
the daily sense of failure [despair] goes away,
the damage I have done to myself fades,
a million suns come forward with light,
when I sit firmly in that world.
inside "love" there is more joy than we know of,
rain pours down, although the sky is clear of clouds,
there are whole rivers of light.
The universe is shot through with in all parts by a
single sort of love.
How hard it is to feel that joy in all our bodies!
Those who hope to be reasonable about it fail.
The arrogance of reason has separated us from that love.
With the word "reason" you already feel miles away.
How lucky Kabir is, that surrounded by all this joy
he sings inside his own boat.
His poems amount to one soul meeting another.
These songs [poems] are about forgetting dying and loss.
They rise above both coming in and going out. [birth and death].
from: Ecstatic Poems
Thanks to The Beauty We Love
that I found this morning on line. Author Unknown...
God is already in you; the True God, not the man made
image of God, not god of the temples, and the churches,
and the synagogues and the mosques and the gurudwaras...
The god that man has imagined in his own image, the god
that man made according to his own wishes, the god that is
nothing but the projection of man's mind and desires; that
god is certainly dead. That god never really existed.
The untrue MUST cease for the truth to be.
Those who know the True God, know God as the fragrance
of life, the perfume of existence, the very ground of being.
For them God is not a concept, not a theory, not a hypothesis.
For them God is an existential experience. For them God
is not separate from man, for them God is man's innermost
core... God is nothing but your own depth [your Core Being]
trying to manifest itself. God is not an ideal.
God exists as you - as life.
Life is eternal.
Life is immortal.
It changes forms,
just like the waves in the ocean go on changing
but the ocean remains.
Bodies come and go, but your innermost
[Being] remains always there.
And that is God.
There is no need to make temples for God.
You have to learn to look within.
The temple is already there;
It cannot be destroyed.
God is always your interiority...
The Guest is within you, but you have to turn in...
You have to become more conscious of your Consciousness.
You have to become more aware of your Awareness.
A point of stillness
comes where you are simply aware of
your [inner] Awareness...
When Awareness
[the Core Being]
is the only content of your awareness,
that is the moment
The Guest is found...
author unknown
...while Sitting
(finally mentally SILENT)
on Remembrance Rock
Afternoon Beachtime.... towards end of today's LONG Cavort Session/Photographs
On Afternoon Remembrance Rock
"Not very long ago in Hyderabad there was a mureed, rather an intellectual pupil, and he liked to talk. His teacher was interested in his intelligent inquiries, and so he encouraged him to talk, whereas it is the custom in the East for the pupil to remain silent before his teacher.
One day the teacher was in a condition of exaltation and his pupil as usual wanted to discuss and argue, which was not agreeable to the teacher at that time. He said in Persian, 'Khamosh,' which means silence.
And the pupil became silent; he went home and remained silent. And no one heard him speak after that, no one in the house nor outside; he never spoke anywhere.
Years passed by and the man still kept silent.
But there came a time when his silence began to speak aloud.
His silent thought would manifest
and his silent wish would become granted;
his silent glance would heal,
his silent look would inspire.
His silence became living.
It was the spoken words,
which had kept him dead all this time.
The moment the lips were closed
the silence in him began to live.
His presence was living.
In Hyderabad people called him Shah Khamosh,
the king of silence,
or the silent king."