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Nothing is disconnected; hence we are all affecting each other in the mechanism of modulation/projection and reflection of each other onto the One-and-Only Mirror of reality which we all carry and live within. We live as points of awareness within Creational Quicksilver which is the Mirror of Essence giving us our 3D perspective.
…we reflect each other upon the Mirror of the Essence, forgetting the Essence because we are too busy watching the reflection.
…you cannot understand Essence, you can only haronize with It and merge with ITS reflection in the flame of the Fire of Truth.
Stillness cannot ever reside in the dance of polarities but outside of it in the Essence of its movement.
The gap between polarities at their moment of extreme tension is where
the connection to Essence is made,
like the movement of a pendulum where infinity resides at the swing’s end.
You will not find Stillness in man or God, light or darkness, and silence or sound.
It is only when you absorb the flame of the Mirroring support of Reality
that you can find the real Peace
because you do not exclude anything anymore
but incorporate it ALL.”
Excerpt from “ONE”
Gerald O’Donnell
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