7:41 AM-8/16/18
*Everyone who has received a human body at
should strive to be worthy of being called human!
A human body is a unique structure that allows
covering the distance between the state of
“an ordinary person” and the state of God.
All high levels of the evolution of consciousness
— up to the Mergence with the Creator --
can be reached only in a human body!
It is really possible to cognize God and become merged with Him in all His Manifestations!
A large number of Heroes have traversed this Path and proved with Their lives that it is possible!
Google for more:
Elisabeth Haich INITIATION Karmic Tomb
Also see Read More at end of Afternoon Photos
You bathed in boundless love
before you first breathed.
Is it any different now?
Let each inhalation surfeit you
with un-created light.
Let each exhalation cast you
back into that unborn sea
of divine darkness.
as the Holy Spirit,
and She will honor you.
Wait upon the Lord,
who is the very now
of your expectation.
give yourself without a word
to that emptiness.
invisible, will fill you
with unspeakable joy.
Alfred K. LaMotte
Once a man came to me and spoke for hours about
“His great visions of God” he felt he was having.
He asked me for confirmation, saying,
Are these wondrous dreams true?”
I replied, “How many goats do you have?”
He looked surprised and said,
“I am speaking of sublime visions
And you ask
About goats!”
And I spoke again saying,
“Yes, brother – how many do you have?”
“Well, Hafiz, I have sixty-two.”
“And how many wives?”
Again he looked surprised, then said,
“How many rose bushes in your garden,
How many children,
Are your parents still alive,
Do you feed the birds in winter?”
And to all he answered.
Then I said,
“You asked me if I thought your visions were true,
I would say that they were if they make you become
More human,
More kind to every creature and plant
That you know.”
I used to talk to sunlight. I would whisper in his ear. Sweet nothings. And he would whisper back about the migration route of arctic wolves, the secretmost intimations of krill, the giggling of school girls.
I spoke with the ocean shore. I stamped out syntax and word with my bare feet, Leapt high for an exclamation, opened arms wide for interrogative. She replied with pounding crashing of surf and the sighs of wave and sand’s relentless union.
I spoke with the grass and it told me of its seduction of poets. It gossiped about the secret life of ants, imparted the hidden meanings of Abulafia.
The ant carried my message deep into the earth and minerals sent telegrams with encouragement and advice.
Thorn thicket people.
Glass bottle people.
Fashion magazine people.
The people called Encouragers of Waste …
Self Protective Imaginings.
who does not fear the movement of the clock’s hands.
Do not be fooled by Joseph’s torn coat
or listen to negative gossips about Majnun.
Instead, go ask the baby how it knows to suckle the breast.
Go ask the sunflower how it knows to turn toward the brightness.
Go ask the Lover of Truth
why her heart and mind race toward the teacher.
"Listening is fruitless unless it becomes a fire.
Silence and Love become a furnace burning away the dross;
sunlight is all that is left.
If you want to know what fire is then go and speak to Layla ."
- The telegram was signed, Gold.
So I closed my eyes and ears and heard the sound of the stars movement, the golden mean, the first letter. The Lovers of Truth said
“This is only a beginning.”
So I sealed up mind wanderings and stood
alone in the nothing.
"Listening is fruitless unless it becomes a fire.
Silence and Love become a furnace burning away the dross;
sunlight is all that is left.
If you want to know what fire is then go and speak to Layla ."
The telegram was signed, Gold.
hidden meaning of names was revealed
and syllables opened my confusion
The Love Bird flew into the sky.
I have become the ink on the telegram, the paper, the reader
and the author
and the open sky.
Traktung Khepahttp://nomindsland.blogspot.com/2018/08/traktung-khepa-secret-of-this-silent.html
See Read More Below for quotes
Elisabeth Haich
Additional Photos
- Elisabeth Haich
Two quotes below from
Elisabeth Haich
he can often be “thinking” about God,
he can be “praying” to God,
he can be “loving” God with his whole being,
but all this doesn’t mean he has become identical with God.
For man can never find God by seeking outside himself!
This is the only possibility for overcoming the state of separation
and bringing back the consciousness
into the state of unity:
the individual stops thinking about himself
and instead becomes himself, recognizes himself.
In this condition,
the recognizer, the recognized, and the recognition
are one and the same.
The self – the creator – recognizes its self in itself!
This is the resurrection!
In this state he recognizes that his own self
has created him
and is constantly creating him,
hence that his own self is his creator.
He likewise realizes
that the one and only self
is the creator of the entire universe!
As a result of this divine self-recognition
he simultaneously experiences the creative cosmic all-consciousness.
At the same time as he achieves self-recognition,
he achieves recognition of everything,
a concentration exercise regarding breath:
As long as you inhale and exhale,
you’re identifying yourself with the body.
But the truth of the matter is that your body
is really doing the inhaling and exhaling, not you.
The body lives because the higher self
– God –
breathes his own breath into it.
We’re all alive because our physical being inhales the breath of God.
You know that God is the self in you.
Thus your body inhales your self
– you –
and that gives the body life.
As long as you believe that you are the one that’s breathing,
you’re identical in your consciousness
with your body instead of with yourself.
On the other hand when you experience in your consciousness
that your body is inhaling yourself and then again in breathing out,
giving your self freedom,
you can experience the marvelous transition out of the person –
the animated body you have been up to the present,
into your true self.”