3:45 AM-12/27/17
is continuously given in silence.
But when mankind becomes completely deaf
to the thunder of His Silence
God incarnates as Man.
Meher Baba
Only relative degrees of good.
Meher Baba
Meher Baba
Anything beyond your capacity will necessarily change your capacity,
because so long as everything is within your limits,
you don't know what is beyond them.
And everything concerning God and God-realization is beyond limit.
So in this way great suffering and being plagued
with terrible problems are beneficial.
It means to become one with God.
By thinking and imagining,
one can never become one with God.
Union is possible only after the death of thoughts and imagination
— the mind must die.
It is automatic.
You are a human being.
Do you ever think to yourself,
`Am I a human being?´
You do not ask yourself this because you are a human being
. In the same way, once a man realizes God,
he spontaneously knows that he is God.
He has the full experience of it by personal experience.”
so why give importance to the lofty?
... never try to escape,
because you cannot escape petty things...
because everything except God is petty.
rotted and are as food for worms.
Theosophy and philosophy are like good bones rotted
and are as food for vultures.
The writings of inspired poets are like fresh bones
and are as food for dogs.
The writings of spiritually advanced saints are like flesh
and are as food for tigers.
The writings by living Perfect Masters are like brain
and are as food for men!
Good bones when rotted have some semblance of bone, but rotten bones when rotted are like filth.
So, you may go through the scriptures superficially —
only to drive away the barking dogs when necessary;
for instance, when you are called upon to answer the queries of the priests and the orthodox.
You will then have no time for worrying
over what may never happen.
Yes, we have "longed for what is real"
and the worrying had dwindled!
one man is a mast and another man is mad
without the divine authority of a Perfect Master.
However, the unmistakable quality that masts possess
is their ability to make one happy in their company;
whereas in the company of a mad person
one feels depression and sadness
—greed, lust, and backbiting--
backbiting is the worst and most disastrous.
One can overcome greed and even lust,
though both are very hard to get rid of;
but by far the worst and most difficult habit
of all to eliminate is that of speaking ill of
and trying to find fault in others.
“And why must it be eliminated?
Because this particular act or vice
incurs the burden of sins or sanskaras of others,
which is spiritually very derogatory and reactionary.
“How do you know who you are —
that you are the Source of all?”
Baba replied:
“I knew it before everything.
I came from my own Self.
One cannot know Existence
until one exists in that Existence.
If you find out how to love him, you may go mad.
The real lover is never influenced by the world
or what people think of him.
He will not even care for his life.
He will remain what he is --
totally indifferent to the world,
unashamed of anything.
Meher Baba
all Meher Baba quotes above in this font color
If you place a metal or glass pipe above a flame,
the heated air will vibrate and produce a sound.
And depending on the length of the pipe,
the sound emitted is lower or higher.
Well, by analogy,
we can say that the same phenomenon
exists in human beings.
the spinal cord, throat, esophagus, intestines, arteries,
veins, the nervous system, and so on.
And again these pipes can be longer or shorter.
When the flame that burns within us
–meaning the fire that keeps us alive–
passes through these pipes,
an extraordinary music is heard,
similar to the great pipe organs in cathedrals.
and they can be heard and picked up by other beings.
Obviously, if this vital energy is not equitably distributed
in all the organs of the body, or if it is blocked,
a terrible cacophony will result.

It is mostly on the psychic plane that it is important for humans
to succeed in organizing, purifying and enlightening their lives,
and then their whole being will emit harmonious sounds.
It will be such a symphony that angels and archangels
will draw near to listen and be filled with wonder.
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov