4:19 AM-6/14/19
*The realization which is attained is that
there is nothing to realize any more.
He did not answer, he only smiled.
See Read More below Afternoon Photos
for full story of
Wall of Mystery
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.
Be grateful for whatever comes.
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.
— Jellaludin Rumi,
translation by Coleman Barks
not up from the ground
or out of the ocean.
My place is placeless
a trace of the Traceless.
I am from the Soul of souls.
John O'Donohue
We are no sooner out of the womb than we must begin the
precarious unfolding and shaping of who we are.
If we have bad or destructive times in childhood,
we begin to fix on a survival identity to cover over
and to compensate for what happens to us.
If we are never encouraged to be
ourselves we begin to construct an identity
that will gain us either attention or approval.
When we set out to construct
our lives according to a fixed image,
we damage ourselves.
The image becomes the desperate focus
of all our longing.
There are no frames for the soul.
in so far as we can,
to live without
an image of ourselves,
or at least to keep
images we have free and open.
of the Unknown within you,
any image you have built of yourself
gradually loses its promise.
Your name, your face, your address
only suggest the threshold of your identity.
Sometimes you find yourself listening to someone
telling you what you should do
or describing what is going on inside you,
and you whisper to yourself that
they have not the foggiest idea who you actually are.
John O'Donohue
From Eternal Echoes
There Are No Frames for the Soul
- O'Donohue & Rumi
Beautiful Beach Weather here today...
....but due to conditions beyond my control, am unable to get to afternoon beach.
All photos below are favorites from an Archive File named BREAKERS.....
You are NOT as you seem.
The world you try to navigate through each day
is NOT as it seems.
this is relatively easy to accept,
and the body-mind-false-self will immediately
offer opinions about
conspiracies, hidden agendas
and elite forces controlling the world to support this.
But this goes much deeper than mere theories
about the real world hidden in plain sight.
on the planet and in your life,
it will always be about the ‘state of a dream’.
and your experiences in it are all a dream,
totally believed in by most of humanity
and that belief gives it its shape and design and life.
no matter how beautiful or disgusting it may seem.
Every concept of Love, of Life, of Freedom, of Beauty
pales beside one glimpse of Reality.
By turning your Attention inward
and simply ‘opening up’ to the possibility
of something vaster
than anything the imagination [also a dream] can conjure …
toward what ‘is’ Real.
This opening up is actually the beginning
of Real ‘surrender’ to the Infinite.
When the mind then tries to fill in the blanks,
gently return inward to open-ness …
[the Awareness that you ‘are’]
Truth will begin to Expand effortlessly.
for full story of
"He did not answer, he only smiled."
There is a well known Eastern legend giving the idea of a soul who had found truth.
There was a wall of laughter and of smiles.
This wall existed for ages and many tried to climb it, but few succeeded.
Those who had climbed upon it saw something beyond,
and so interested were they that they smiled,
climbed over the wall and never returned.
The people of the town began to wonder what magic could there be and what attraction,
that whoever climbed over the wall never returned.
So they called it the wall of mystery.
Then they said,
'We must make an enquiry and send someone who can reach the top,
but we must tie him with a rope to hold him back.'
When the man they had thus sent reached the top of the wall,
he smiled and tried to jump over it,
but they pulled him back.
Still he smiled, and when the people eagerly asked,
'what did you see there?'
He did not answer, he only smiled.
This is the condition of the seer.
The man who in the shrine of his heart has seen the vision of God,
the one who has the realization of truth, can only smile,
for words can never really explain what truth means.
The nearest explanation one can give is that truth is realization.
At every step of man's evolution his realization changes,
but there is a stage where man arrives at the true realization,
a realization which is a firm conviction that no reason or logic can change or alter.
Nothing in the world can change it any more,
and that conviction is called by the Sufis Iman.
The realization which is attained is that there is nothing to realize any more.
The process of this attainment is a sincere research into truth and life, and the understanding of 'what I am the other is', together with the contemplation of God, a selfless consciousness, and a continual pursuit after the receiving of the knowledge of God.
Question: Is suffering beneficial?
Answer: Suffering is always a blessing.
If it is for higher ideas, for God, for an ideal, it takes a person at once to the highest heaven.
If it is for lower ideas, for the ego, for pride, for possessions,
it takes a person to the lowest depth of hell.
But there, after much suffering, after a long, long time,
he loses these ideas and is purified.
That is why the Christian religion shows the symbol of the cross, of suffering.
How high our ideal may be,
how low our ideal may be,
in the end each pain has its prize.