7:18 AM-4/17/20
* …synchronization of your inner being and outer world is your
Harbour Island, Bahamas
CHOICELESS CHOICE< FORMLESSNESS PRESIDING "Pausing in timeless awareness:" April 17, 2019
click above title to see April 17, 2019 OceanSpeak
there is no instrument to measure your soul’s resonance.
The only measure of resonance is your feelings.
For that, you have to look inside and do some introspection.
It requires a little effort but once you have found it,
it’s the most effortless state to be in.
Among the mundane activities,
these spikes of resonance are capable of igniting
the missing sparks in our lives
which makes this journey more enjoyable and fun.
as you are not YOU anymore,
you become what you are doing.
you add a new dimension to your life
where every cell of your body fully participates
and hence RESONATES.
are in sync with your SOUL.
This synchronization
of your
inner being and outer world
is your
what it is like for anyone
who gets to this planet to survive it.
What it is like to die,
or to have somebody die;
what it is like to be glad.
James Baldwin
Also quoted here:
The silence of everyday life is an indispensable condition
for living with others.
Without the capacity for silence,
man is incapable of hearing, loving, and understanding
the people around him.
It proceeds from a silent heart that is able to hear,
to listen, and to welcome.
there is always a certain agitation that is stirred up in man.
Noise is never serene,
and it is not conducive to understanding another person.
How right Pascal was when he wrote in his Pensees,
"All the unhappiness of men arises from one single fact,
that they cannot stay quietly in their own chamber".
The Power of Silence
Robert Cardinal Sarah
Above quote found here:
not in the clamor and display of superficial eventfulness,
but in the deep clarity of inner vision;
in the almost imperceptible start of decision,
in quiet overcoming and hidden sacrifice.
― Robert Sarah,
The Power of Silence: Against the Dictatorship of Noise
“Making art does sometimes feel like
you’re holding a séance,
or like you’re calling out in the night
for a wild animal on the prowl.
What you’re doing seems impossible and even silly,
but then you hear the thunder of hooves,
and some beautiful beast comes rushing into the glade, searching for you
just as urgently as
you have been searching for it.”
Quoted here:
I have been asked,
“Isn’t observing a dualistic practice?
Because when we are observing,
something is observing something else.”
But in fact it’s not dualistic.
The observer is empty.
Instead of a separate observer,
we should say there is just observing.
There is no one that hears,
there is just hearing.
There is no one that sees,
there is just seeing.
But we don’t quite grasp that.
we learn that not only is the observer empty,
but that which is observed is also empty.
At this point the observer (or witness) collapses…
Why does the observer finally collapse?
When nothing sees nothing,
what do we have?
Just the wonder of life.
There is just life living itself:
hearing, touching, seeing, smelling, thinking.
That is the state of love or compassion…
We don’t have to try to find it.
It’s our natural state when ego is absent.
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Charlotte Joko Beck - Observing