5:50 AM-8/11/20
*Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, May 2020
*Also see Category Column on right of page for
Bernadette Roberts
what makes us live and gives us meaning.
if we can find the thread,
the song of our own unique story,
and untangle it from the stories around us,
especially the dark dreams of consumerism,
the collective stories of greed and desire,
that are destroying the web of life.
the essential story of our own existence,
we can give what is real back to the Earth,
which craves this simple nourishment,
this songline of a soul.
has given us life
and the opportunity to live our story,
and so we return this gift,
this note of love.
how this can be an offering
on the altar of life:
Wait till you feel your own story like a dream,
like a possibility,
and then give it to the Earth
as an offering.
full of meaning, full of possibilities,
and full of the song of the soul,
that ancient song,
so ancient it was
born before the beginning
and yet also knows the meaning of time.
that it needs again to know wholeness,
to be given wholeness as a gift.
which is your own wholeness,
the essence of your becoming,
to give that as a seed
to the heart of the world.
Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee,
May 2020
Excerpt from:
All Photos for today's OceanSpeak from: August 11, 2018 ORIGIN'S DNA " something actionable..." August 11, 2018 "...slow silence of aloneness."
CtrlClick above Title (or below) to open above OceanSpeak
a time of dying,
we are also at a beginning.
This is the nature of time
that is not linear but cyclical,
like the seasons and the sun.
we have a simple choice of whether to remain
with these patterns of
human and ecological abuse.
Or can we imagine a different way to be
that recognizes the sacred nature of all creation?
in the ways of First Peoples,
their earth wisdom,
but so much has been lost
along with their language and land,
clear-cut like the ancient old-growth forests.
Llewellyn Vaughan Lee
For those brave enough to trust something deeper,
to listen to the Earth and the old ways,
the pandemic presents an opportunity
to turn away from
the clutter and distractions of our outer life,
to the deeper roots of our being.
here we can be replenished,
and here we can help replenish our world.
from the ravages
of our culture’s
materialistic nightmare that pollutes
the air we breathe
the water we drink
starves our soul
of its natural connection
to the sacred.
we can drink deeply of the waters
of life that are still pure;
we can commune
with the primal forces of nature;
we can return
to what is
sacred and essential
to our life
to the life of the Earth.
~Llewellyn Vaughan Lee