Joel Goldsmith
In the stillness and in the silence God lives and expresses, fulfils, reveals and unfolds
and It will appear to you in forms of harmony, grace and beauty.
Joel Goldsmith
We let God's grace flow to us, through us.
And remember Go and tell no man.
Tell no one what things you have discovered.
Don't throw your pearls before the unprepared thought.
These things that are whispered to you in silence will be shouted from the housetop as demonstration.
Not by your voice, not by your rushing to tell your friend or neighbour, but by demonstration.
Be still.
Be still and know.
But Be still and know.
Don't do it aloud.
Be still and know.
Joel Goldsmith
Three Essays: The Deep Silence of My Peace,
the Fourth Dimension of Life,
Contemplative Meditation with Scripture...
by Joel S. Goldsmith (1964)
Nothing can enter the deep silence that defileth or maketh a lie.
In this work that we are doing tonight I want to reveal to you a principle of healing, of protecting and of supply. But I want to reveal to you a principle that will operate without your taking thought, without your making statements, without your doing heavy mental work, without your begging or pleading or beseeching of God.
I would like to show you a principle of healing that operates completely without,
what the metaphysical world calls treatment.
In this principle you will find that the healing principle is a state of peace, a state of peace that you achieve, that I achieve, we all achieve, through the realization of the presence. That is this form of treatment; just the realization of the presence, just the feeling of a state of peace.
In this treatment the nature of the problem is of no importance,
only the realization of this peace, of this presence.
It will take care of the problem regardless of its nature or of its intensity or of the length of time of its duration.
And only then can you say with the Master "I have overcome the world.
I have overcome the need for anything or anyone.
I have found Christ within to be my salvation, my supplier and my supply, my healer and my redeemer.
I have found that the source of satisfaction is this realization of peace within.
My fulfilment is always now from within.
I have crossed out the belief that my help must come from without.
I have crossed out the belief that anything or anyone external is necessary
to the realization of my eternal harmony.
And all that has come about through the feel of a peace within,
not due to anything without but due to a divine presence within.
The divine presence has always been there.
How many times, however, when we have felt this outer discord have we sat patiently for ten or fifteen minutes to let this peace descend upon us; and in failing to do that we have missed the way.
Now when the storms threaten without, now when the waves dash against our ship,
let us remember this experience.
It may take five minutes for the peace to descend; it may take fifteen minutes.
There are obstinate beliefs in this world.
But if we're patient and know what it is we're waiting for; the assurance from within.
That's all we're waiting for, the assurance from within.
The treatment isn't complete till the assurance has come within.
Lo, I am with you always.
Fear not, I am with you.
See how easy it is to rest in the deep silence; relax the world's cares.
Isn't it easy in this atmosphere to say "Father forgive them, they know not what they do."
All these disturbers of the world; isn't it easy to forgive them.
And to realize it's only because of their ignorance of this peace,
just as we were ignorant of it half-hour ago.
Nothing can enter the deep silence that defileth or maketh a lie.
By this you can see that we were not disturbed by our own fears or doubts or problems.
When we came into this room we were disturbed by the world's fears and doubts and problems.
We were merely receiving stations for the world's troubles.
If they were our troubles they'd still be troubling us.
They never were our troubles, even when they reflected themselves in our affairs.
The stillness, the silence is God's abiding place.
In the stillness and in the silence God lives and expresses, fulfils, reveals and unfolds and It will appear to you in forms of harmony, grace and beauty.
If you are as a little child; if you are relaxed, if you have given up the personal sense of I at this moment, if only for this moment, to the place where it is almost as if you were looking over your own shoulder and watching God appear.
Just as you might watch a sunset or a moonrise and yet not reach out and try to help them.
Just passively be a beholder.
Or sometimes when you see a beautiful flower and the first thought that comes into your mind is and a fool has said in his heart there is no God.
Have you ever looked at a beautiful flower or mountain scene, sunrise or sunset and have that thought flash right into your mind and a fool hath said in his heart there is no God?
Remember; if your thought wants to wander just remind it that it's in quietness and confidence that you find your peace, not in your mental wanderings; not in trying to remember a lot of truths, not in trying to fulfil some human need, but in quietness and confidence.
When the Master says to us now, Know the truth and the truth will make you free, remember that the truth you are to know is that I in the midst of Thee, am mighty; that My peace is your salvation; that quietness and confidence is the treatment; that we do not attain our good by might or by power, by a gentle spirit. And we are quiet as we accept God's grace. We let God's grace flow to us, through us.
And remember Go and tell no man. Tell no one what things you have discovered. Don't throw your pearls before the unprepared thought. These things that are whispered to you in silence will be shouted from the housetop as demonstration. Not by your voice, not by your rushing to tell your friend or neighbour, but by demonstration. Be still. Be still and know. But Be still and know. Don't do it aloud. Be still and know.
Three Essays: The Deep Silence of My Peace, the Fourth Dimension of Life, Contemplative Meditation with Scripture.
.. by Joel S. Goldsmith (1964)