Original One = OO = ∞
3:25 AM-2/17/18
*”To Hell with Devils” (St. Tereasa d’Avila)
***Taylor Caldwell & Walter de La Mare
(see Read More
below Afternoon photos
for more details for all *’s above)
"I" had to experience what it feels like to believe in the power of the devil….
in order to have Impersonal Understanding of such beliefs as a way of life.
of the last twenty years of her life,
she proclaimed of the devils,
"I pay no more attention to them than to flies ...
A fig for all the devils, because they shall fear me ...
Without doubt,
I fear those who have such great fear of the devil
more than I do the devil himself ...
'The devil! The devil!' we say,
when we could be saying
'God! God!'
and make the devil tremble."
Gerald May Article re:
St. Teresa d'Avila
see full article here in this Post's: Read More section at end
are from:
Communion #2
Harmony Without and Within
Down the centuries man has been trying to live independently from existence--
that is not possible in the very nature of things.
Man can neither be independent nor dependent.
Existence is a state of interdependence: everything depends on everything else.
There is no hierarchy, nobody is lower and nobody is higher.
Existence is a communion, an eternal love affair.
Man has to be nothing! – man has to dissolve into the totality of things.
And when we drop all the barriers, communion happens
and that communion is a benediction.
To be one with the whole is all.
That is the very core of religiousness.
It would not be better if things happened to men just as they wish.
Unless you expect the unexpected you will never find the truth,
for it is hard to discover ad hard to attain.
Nature loves to hide.
The lord whose oracle is at Delphi
neither speaks nor conceals – but gives signs.
there can be no communication with existence.
Existence is a mystery, you cannot interpret it.
If you interpret, you miss.
It is more like poetry, less like philosophy.
It is a sign, it is a door.
It shows, but is says nothing.
Through mind, there is no approach to existence.
you can go on thinking and thinking,
about and about,
but you will never reach it –
because it is precisely thinking that is the barrier.
Thinking is a private world, it belongs to you –
then you are enclosed, encapsulated,
imprisoned within yourself.
you are enclosed no more.
You open,
you become porous,
existence flows into you and you flow into existence.
the organs of land.
Sea Urchins are the organs of the sea. It is symbolic for rare youth.
More here in depth:
listening means you are open, vulnerable, receptive,
but you are not in any way thinking.
Thinking is a positive action.
Listening is passivity; you become like a valley and receive;
you become like a womb and you receive.
but it is not a language.
Nature doesn’t use words.
Then what does nature use?
A flower is there: what is the sign in it?
It is not saying anything –
but can you really say it is not saying anything?
It is saying much, but it is not using any words –
a wordless message.
because only the same can hear the same,
only the same can relate to the same.
Sitting by the tree don’t be a person, be a tree.
Taking a bath in a river don’t be a man, be a river.
And it is not a communication –
it is a communion.
speaks in thousands of tongues,
but not in language.
Communion #2
Harmony Without and Within
Above & Additional
"To Hell with Devils"
Gerald May Article re:
St. Teresa d'Avila
see full article here:
all quotes below in this font
are from:
Communion #2
Harmony Without and Within
Man is living as an island, and that’s from where all misery arises.
Down the centuries man has been trying to live independently from existence--
that is not possible in the very nature of things.
Man can neither be independent nor dependent.
Existence is a state of interdependence: everything depends on everything else.
There is no hierarchy, nobody is lower and nobody is higher.
Existence is a communion, an eternal love affair.
But the idea that man has to be higher, superior, special, creates trouble.
Man has to be nothing! – man has to dissolve into the totality of things.
And when we drop all the barriers, communion happens
and that communion is a benediction.
To be one with the whole is all.
That is the very core of religiousness.
Heraclitus says:
It would not be better if things happened to men just as they wish.
Unless you expect the unexpected you will never find the truth,
for it is hard to discover ad hard to attain.
Nature loves to hide.
The lord whose oracle is at Delphi
neither speaks nor conceals – but gives signs.
Existence has no language….and if you depend on language
there can be no communication with existence.
Existence is a mystery, you cannot interpret it.
If you interpret, you miss.
Existence can be lived, but not thought about.
It is more like poetry, less like philosophy.
It is a sign, it is a door.
It shows, but is says nothing.
Through mind, there is no approach to existence.
If you think about it,
you can go on thinking and thinking,
about and about,
but you will never reach it –
because it is precisely thinking that is the barrier.
Thinking is a private world, it belongs to you –
then you are enclosed, encapsulated,
imprisoned within yourself.
Nonthinking, you are no more;
you are enclosed no more.
You open,
you become porous,
existence flows into you and you flow into existence.
Learn to listen –
listening means you are open, vulnerable, receptive,
but you are not in any way thinking.
Thinking is a positive action.
Listening is passivity; you become like a valley and receive;
you become like a womb and you receive.
If you can listen, then nature speaks –
but it is not a language.
Nature doesn’t use words.
Then what does nature use?
Says Heraclitus, it uses signs.
A flower is there: what is the sign in it?
It is not saying anything –
but can you really say it is not saying anything?
It is saying much, but it is not using any words –
a wordless message.
To hear the wordless you will have to become wordless,
because only the same can hear the same,
only the same can relate to the same.
Sitting by a flower don’t be a person, be a flower.
Sitting by the tree don’t be a person, be a tree.
Taking a bath in a river don’t be a man, be a river.
And then millions of signs are given to you.
And it is not a communication – it is a communion.
Then nature speaks,
speaks in thousands of tongues,
but not in language.
Communion #2
Harmony Without and Within
The Listeners
By Walter de La Mare
‘Is there anybody there?’ said the Traveller,
Knocking on the moonlit door;
And his horse in the silence champed the grasses
Of the forest’s ferny floor:
And a bird flew up out of the turret,
Above the Traveller’s head:
And he smote upon the door again a second time;
‘Is there anybody there?’ he said.
But no one descended to the Traveller;
No head from the leaf-fringed sill
Leaned over and looked into his grey eyes,
Where he stood perplexed and still.
But only a host of phantom listeners
That dwelt in the lone house then
Stood listening in the quiet of the moonlight
To that voice from the world of men:
Stood thronging the faint moonbeams on the dark stair,
That goes down to the empty hall,
Hearkening in an air stirred and shaken
By the lonely Traveller’s call.
And he felt in his heart their strangeness,
Their stillness answering his cry,
While his horse moved, cropping the dark turf,
’Neath the starred and leafy sky;
For he suddenly smote on the door, even
Louder, and lifted his head:--
‘Tell them I came, and no one answered,
That I kept my word,’ he said.
Never the least stir made the listeners,
Though every word he spake
Fell echoing through the shadowiness of the still house
From the one man left awake:
Ay, they heard his foot upon the stirrup,
And the sound of iron on stone,
And how the silence surged softly backward,
When the plunging hoofs were gone.
Source: The Collected Poems of Walter de la Mare (1979)
for clarity and meaning in an inscrutable universe.
Like Herman Melville and Stephen Crane,
Walter de la Mare sees humans caught in a web of circumstance
that drastically limits their personal freedom
and prevents them from making full connections
with either nature or other people.
Yet, paradoxically, it is this yearning
for a harmony
and wholeness in the natural and social worlds
which is always just out of reach
that convinces people that personal integrity
and fidelity to commitments, responsibilities, and attachments
is what makes them most human,
and what keeps them from the dark terrors
of a universe which,
while not openly hostile or malevolent,
still ignores the human presence.
One question which occurs to many readers is why the poem is entitled
“The Listeners” and not “The Traveler,”
since the initial focus is on the human traveler
who comes to this distant and lonely scene.
Although the focus is at first centered on
“the one man left awake” or alive (line 32)
who speaks with a
“voice from the world of men” (line 16),
that focus shifts in an important way to the
“host of phantom listeners” (line 13)
that dwell in this strange house.
These listeners not only listen but also
stand “thronging” (line 17) the dark stair
that goes down to an empty hall,
yet they answer his cries only
with their “stillness” (line 22).
Are they the ghosts of those persons the traveler...
...one of the most vital books of this lifetime
for dmm/ew to Saturate with for many, many years...
it literally lives within as Original Akasha Being Archetype
and also in the outer realms Manifesting...
The Listener is Taylor Caldwell's inspiring story of how ordinary people,
full of hopelessness and despair, from all walks of life,
find the inner peace they desperately need.
Each chapter is a modern parable of someone who has lost faith in themselves,
the people close to them, or the world in general.
In his final days on this earth,
John Godfrey built a beautiful sanctuary which had inscribed above its portal:
'The Man Who Listens'.
Because of man's need for someone to truly listen,
suffering people were drawn to this place at all hours of the day and night.
The Listener, although kept behind closed curtains,
would reveal himself to those who were truly in need.
True peace, hope and happiness were restored
to all who poured out their soul to Him.
This is a powerful novel of anguished souls
on a self analytical, almost mystical, journey toward inner peace.