"The Longing"
"Lay Bare Your Soul's Agony"
Gangaji speaks about the call that comes from deep within – the aching longing to know again what has been ever known, purely and absolutely, to be the truth of who one is.
2.07 minutes. video on below webpage
(Shared by miriam louisa)
When corrupted and tainted by self-identification,
it is known as an individual.
When merely tinted by the sense of presence,
of animated consciousness,
it is the impersonal witnessing.
When it remains in its pristine purity,
untainted and untinted in primal repose,
it is the Absolute."
A Net of Jewels
Ramesh Balsekar
Life has forced me
to Remember
Primordial “I AM”.
dmm - 1989
fly to your primordial home!
You have escaped from the cage now-
your wings are spread in the air.
Oh travel from brackish water
now to the fountain of life!
Return from the place of the sandals
now to the high seat of souls!
Go on! Go on! we are going,
and we are coming, O soul,
From this world of separation
to union, a world beyond worlds!
From Look! This Is Love Translated by Annemarie Schimmel
The Tao is like a well:
used but never used up.
It is like the eternal void:
filled with infinite possibilities.
It is hidden but always present.
I don't know who gave birth to it.
It is older than God.