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Joel Goldsmith
The world has come to a place where it must go beyond power and beyond mind. Is there such a place? Is there a place where physical might and human thought are not power, and where safety, security, and peace are assured?
In a moment of futility and frustration, when every reliance has been forsaken, the answer comes as the voice of God utters Itself, a Voice not in the blustering whirlwinds, not in the awesome rumblings of the volcano, but a Voice to still that only in the Silence can it be heard, and there It thunders. When we hear that Voice, we need not concern ourselves about protection against bombs, we need not concern ourselves with depressions or recessions. One thing alone then concerns us: the ability to be still and let God manifest and express Himself as the still small Voice within us.
Today, world conditions make our personal problems seem infinitesimal, but whether we are thinking in terms of individual, national, or international problems, basically there is only on problem--material and mental power as against My Spirit.
There is only one enemy--the universal belief that material and mental force can control this world. The enemies confronting us today are not a threatened epidemic of disease, not a devastating condition of weather or climate, not impending economic disaster, nor destructive war: All these are but part and parcel of the belief in material and mental powers.
But are material and mental powers, power, or is the still small Voice the only power? The answer is that there is no power in the visible world, and anything that exists in our mind as an objective thing is not power. Let us never fear an image in our mind whether that image is a person, a disease, or even a bomb. That still small Voice in the midst of us is mightier than all of these, and if we can become so silent that that Voice can utter Itself--even if only as a deep breath or a sense of peace or warmth--this earth will be filled with the voice of God and the belief in two powers will be silenced.
When we struggle and battle with the enemy, whether that enemy is physical and external or mental and internal, we do not win any victories. The real victories are won when we use no power and do not fight our opposition, but rest in the knowledge that all opposition destroys itself.
"The battle is not yours.....stand ye still, and see the salvation of the Lord." This standing still is not only a refraining from physical and mental power, but from spiritual power as well--a complete relaxing in an ocean of peace. I do not know the process and neither can you, but we can and will witness the fruitage of that stillness and quietness because in the Silence a miracle takes place: The enemy destroys itself and disappears out of our experience--evaporates and dissolves--whether that enemy is a fever, a person, or a nation. We need not fight or struggle with it or with him: We need only be still. We are aligned with a power that is not a power; we are achieving victory without force. We do not even used spiritual force, but our stillness permits spiritual force to use us. ours is a refraining from power in a silence which thunders, "I am God, therefore, you be still and rest, for I will be with you unto the end of the world. you rest, relax, and be silent."
When we have rested, when we have become still, and when we have permitted the Spirit to permeate mind and body, a Something greater than ourselves goes before us and prepares the way for us: The enmity and opposition dissolve, and we stand within ourselves and marvel, "A might work." In a complete Silence, with no attempt to use God, use Truth, or use a power over anybody or for anybody, something takes place with us that dissolves the problems of life and makes the way one of joy and fulfillment.
The only effective and potent weapon against the powers that would destroy the world both physically and mentally is the Silence which comes of the conviction that there is a something that created this universe and is responsible for maintaining it unto eternity--it is the ability to relax in Silence and let that Something perform Its function.
In that Silence we find Allness. In that quietness and confidence, we find our strength and peace. That is our Sabbath, the complete and perfect universe of the first chapter of Genesis in which we rest from all power, living by the I-say-unto-you way of the Sermon on the Mount. Then we become like "unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon the house;
and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock."
As we meet with problems of every nature--conflicts, enemies, hatred, persecution, injustice--we no longer try to reach out to remove them either physically or mentally, but we rest in His word. We rest from all power, and God works the miracle.
Rumblings of the thunder of deep Silence of My peace reverberate and increase in power until eventually they break every barrier. The might noise of the Silence grows in volume until its thunder rends asunder the veils of illusion and God stands revealed in all His majesty, glory, and peace.
In wordless thunder roar.
The Lemurian Science of Immortality