That brings people to
The doorstep of Wu Hsin?
It is simply the desire
To know this What.
When Wu Hsin says
This What cannot be known,
Most go away disappointed
Wu Hsin
One of the most beautiful and unknown gems in Eastern non-duality
is Wu Hsin.
His name literally means ‘no-mind’.
And true to his name,
he is untraceable...
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Wu Hsin –
Surfacing in/of/as
Inner Self as of yesterday
(Some know "shapeshifting"
below is an example of "SoulShifting"
which may or may not include "shapeshifting")
Evershining to Perfuming
Perfuming to Evershining
Fluidity and Flow of the Ocean....
(Torus Ouroboros)
"Perfuming" when amongst those who are fearful
Far East Masters….(Spalding) warned re: being amongst people/tribes
who have totally forgotten, and/or never known love...
It is dangerous to be amongst them…for them and Ones who Are Love.
"Evershining" when amongst those who Remember Love
or are capable of Remembering.
This Happens without ANY personal volition.
Stillness is prior to both
The absence and the presence.
It cannot be created but
It can be found.
Wu Hsin
Follow the order of What-Is, they
Follow the way of What-Is, they
Follow the timing of What-Is and they
Follow the design of What-Is.
They are calm;
They are clear;
They are real.
Having arrived at the root,
They are never confused by the branches.
Wu Hsin
ouroboros torus oceanspeak
you will find two prior OceanSpeak Posts/Offerings-webpages
plus other information