3:41 AM-6/17/17
(Warrior’s Way-below
Read More at end)
Ocala, Fl
Word Docx:-DAILY Sept 06
Searched for WHOREMOANS AT MIDLIFE in Documents
One tries to teach others at one’s peril.
It is better to leave one’s fellow men to sleep in peace
than to disturb their slumbers.
Robert S. de Ropp
Warrior’s Way
See Read More at end for full quote
it just sees the false as the false.
Tara Singh
See Read More for more by Tara Singh
A third eye does not mean a crack in the forehead.
It simply means that his perception has reached its ultimate possibility.
The third eye is the eye of vision.
The two physical eyes are just sensory organs.
They feed the mind with all kinds of nonsense
because what you see is not the truth.
but you are not able to see the Shiva in him.
So, another eye,
an eye of deeper penetration,
has to be opened up.
will never bring clarity into your mind.
Anyone can distort the logical clarity that you create;
difficult situations can completely put it into turmoil.
only when you have an inner vision,
will there be perfect clarity.
Full Article here:
See READ MORE below
for full Warrior's Way and Tara Singh quotes
Warrior’s Way
Robert S. de Ropp
I had learned a great truth, however. One tries to teach others at one’s peril. It is better to leave one’s fellow men to sleep in peace than to disturb their slumbers.
Let not those who know unsettle the minds of the ignorant who know nothing.
How could I, a careful student of the Bhagavad Gita, have missed the significance of that verse? Don Juan offered a similar message:
A warrior does not squeeze his world out of shape. He taps it lightly and passes on leaving hardly a trace.
That was it. By playing the guru, I had squeezed out of shape the people with whom I had come in contact. I had also squeezed myself out of shape by trying to play a role not in accord with my essence. The Missionary, that babbling fool, had betrayed me.
Well, I had learned a lesson and would not forget it. In the future, NO MORE TALK.
Live by the rule of the dervish: Don’t volunteer information about the Way, but be willing to answer honest questions.
What are honest questions?
Honest questions contain the seeds of their own answers and above that the questioners have tried to solve the problems themselves.
Dishonest questions show that the questioners are trying to get something for nothing, making conversation, indulging in idle curiosity, or showing off. Those liable to ask questions about the Way generally want someone else to do their thinking for them. The rest just don’t care. So the dervish can continue on his way in solitude, unimpeded by either companions or possessions.
"Down to Gehenna or up to the Throne
He travels fastest who travels Alone."
Tara Singh
“I can be hurt by nothing but my thoughts.”
When I think that I am hurt in any way,
it is because I have forgotten who I am,
and that I am as Divinity Created me.
Divinity’s thoughts can only bring me happiness.
If ever I am sad or hurt or ill, I have forgotten what Divinity Thinks,
and put my little meaningless ideas in place
of where Divinity’s Thoughts belong, and where they are.
I can be hurt by nothing but my thoughts.
The Thoughts I think with Divinity can only bless.
The Thoughts I think with Divinity alone are true.”
Course in Miracles
Workbook for Students
Lesson 281, page 428
The first step in reading the lesson is to see if one truly understands, I am under no laws but God’s. Is our understanding intellectual, is it just verbal? Most probably that is what it is. Then, what is the fact of that? The fact is, we have made this truth – that I am under no laws but God’s – into an abstract idea. We are constantly doing that, and we call it “learning.” In fact, this kind of learning is more dangerous than not learning.
As Thoreau said, “Natural ignorance has its place. But educated ignorance is a very dangerous thing.”
To be consistent with, I am under no laws but God’s, we must undo the illusion of past and future.
Nothing I see…means anything.
I do not understand anything I see…”
I see only the past.
My thoughts do not mean anything.
Now let us discover the fact that there is not time. How quickly one’s own energy of attention sees that we are always bringing the past “knowings” of memory into the present. Thus we never get to the boundless creative vitality of the present in which there is no time at all. We must realize and recognize the truth of this, not intellectually, but actually.
Actuality alone is true.
It is free of the past and nothing external can intrude upon it.
Instantly one sees how the past overshadows, or, is ever over-shadowing the present. And when the holy instant remains hidden in the so-called future, the future too becomes the extension of the past. The face is, one seldom steps out of the past. What you were – or assumed that you were – you remain. The same “you” remains because no transformation took place. One is still caught in the illusion of verbal “knowings.”
I see only the past.
My mind is preoccupied with past thoughts.
My thoughts do not mean anything.
Fear will not intrude upon the glorious intensity of a timeless state of being. I am under no laws but God’s means that, in the laws of God, there is no fear. Therefore, whenever we are afraid or insecure, we must then question ourselves, “Is this something I am projecting?”
The minute we see that fear is an illusion we are projecting, we have taken on a responsibility to do something about it. God has nothing to do with it, truth has nothing to do with it, and reality has nothing to do with it…we see that we are the ones who are doing it.
Our responsibility is to welcome and invite correction.
When we bring correction, miracles happen.
A miracle is not affected by thought. In fact, a miracle makes thought non-effective. It requires a miracle, or insight, to see the falseness of thought.
What is manmade has no reality; it is merely illusion and projection. many senseless things have seemed to
you to be salvation. Each has imprisoned you
with laws as senseless as itself.
All of our “knowings” have imprisoned us, but….
You are not bound by them.
These “laws” that we have made up, that we project and pursue, are all based on fear, a sense of lack, insecurity, and so on. And because thought is external, they are maintained with images.
While you would seek for salvation in things that have
no meaning, you bind yourself to laws that
make no sense.
Unless we see that whatever we make has no sense, we will not be able to outgrow it. However, we do not want to outgrow anything. We just want to add more. Our goal is not to undo, but to “improve” by adding more. That is one of the misperceptions we all hold.
We think salvation is in having more property, more money, more cars, more this and that, and so forth. We believe they would solve our problems. The course does not admit a problem is real. Mr. Krishnamurti said,
“There are no problems apart form the mind.”
All of our learning, explaining, and verbal understanding is an indulgence. Krishnamurti called it “entertainment.” The brain only knows to seek entertainment.
Look nowhere else, for it is nowhere else.
Can we honestly say that? If we can, we can also say, “I am under no laws but God’s.” But if we are looking for solutions and panaceas elsewhere, it is not true. Other than in the laws of God, salvation is nowhere. That is the decision one makes not to be swayed.
Most people have never made a decision from the day they were born. We have all chosen things…this versus that…depending on which is more important or more advantageous to us. Everyone is in the service of his own success and gain.
But decision has nothing to do with any misperception.
It knows, I am under no laws but God’s.
And can anything intrude upon that knowing? That is a real knowing. One realizes the truth of it because one puts energy into it. First you UNDERSTAND, then you REALIZE, and finally you RECOGNIZE the truth and you are totally liberated.
The Course calls it “simple.” Yet try to see how simple it is.
Think of the freedom in the recognition that
you are not bound by all the strange and
twisted laws you have set up to save you.
We have gone from understanding to realizing. Do we want to RECOGNIZE that we are not bound by all the strange and twisted laws we have set up to save ourselves?
That would reverse everything we think. What then prevents one from reversing? Is it not our inability and unwillingness to question? Our minds tell us that we are trapped in the world. But we like being trapped. Reversing the process in not really one’s own need, is it?
You really think you would starve
unless you have stacks of green paper strips
and piles of metal discs.
Isn’t that something? Are we ever going to give that up?
If we do not, we will never RECOGNIZE.
You really think a small round pellet or some fluid pushed into your veins through a sharpened needle will ward off disease and death. You really think you are alone unless another body is with you.
We have to look at these insane beliefs. We would agree with the course, but that doesn’t mean anything either. If we disagree, that doesn’t mean anything either. There is no honesty in what we say because there is no honesty in the relative thought system.
Anything we say is meaningless.
Once one begins to RECOGNIZE that, it is difficult to stay in thought.
It requires a conscious effort to step out of thought. Just seeing, just being aware, would have its own action. Why does the course say salvation is so simple? Why?
Because awareness makes no effort at all…it just sees the false as the false.
It is insanity that thinks these things.
You call them laws, and put them under different names
in a long catalogue of ritual that have no use and serve no purpose.
You think you must obey the “laws” of medicine, of economics and of health
More or less, all of the problems in the world today…whether national or individual…are problems of economy. The conflict of man against man or nation against nation, is all in the name of economy. All over the world, man is made more and more subject to the laws of economy. As long as economy is the law we obey, how controlled the individual is, and the nation remains subject to violence. It is even made profitable by the military industrial complex. Never in the history of man has violence been so commercialized.
We can observe the fact that, The blind become accustomed to their world by their adjustment to it.. And then it follows that, Every adjustment is…a distortion, and calls upon defenses to uphold it against reality.
There is absolutely no humanism left in the world.
Politics, government, and economy are all
based on the continuation of tension, jealousy, and fear.
What would happen if we recognized
“MY GOD! That is insanity!”
We would see that we are part of insanity. If we saw it we would be finished with the world. Now what is the responsibility? Are we going to live insane lives? What are we going to do about our insanity? Whatever we do will either enhance insanity, or it will undo insanity. Are we going to enhance insanity, or are we going to dissolve it?
If we are enhancing insanity, participating with it, we are full circle enhancing it. This is the nature of the ego.
These are not laws, but madness.
The body is endangered by the mind that hurts itself.
The body suffers just in order that the mind will fail to see it is the victim of itself.
The body’s suffering is a mask the mind holds up to hide what really suffers.
It would not understand it is its own enemy; that it attacks itself and wants to die.
It is from this your “laws” would save the body.
It is for this you think you are a body.
There are no laws except the laws of God.
This needs repeating, over and over,
until you realize it applies to everything
that you have made in opposition to God’s Will.
Your magic, your own thoughts, your own will
has no meaning.
What is meant to save does not exist.
Only what it is meant to hide will save you.
The laws of God can never be replaced.
We will devote today to rejoicing that this is so.
Well, who is going to rejoice?
In order to rejoice, you have to change your whole mind.
It is no longer a truth that we would hide.
We realize instead it is a truth that keeps us free forever
To be truthful is our own nature.
Is there any struggle in it?
To be false, there is struggle.
Is there struggle in being honest?
But we have reversed the process.
Being honest is just about impossible.
It has become the most difficult thing.
Yet to be false and miserable has become natural..
The mind prefers to struggle and it hurts the body.
That is the insanity of it.
Just having read this one lesson…
I am under no laws but God’s…
a person could be liberated.
But most of us would want to put it into a nutshell,
make it abstract,
and know it as an idea.
Magic imprisons, but the laws of God make free.
The light has come because there are no laws but God’s.
Could one take on, that there are no other laws but God’s?
Then we would say,
“What am I going to do with myself?”
We are afraid that we would sit around and rot.
We need preoccupation.
And preoccupation is born out of our fear of loneliness.
We are so afraid to be alone!
That is what the lesson said: you think you are going to be alone.
Is there loneliness in wholeness?
We are frightened, but where does the fear come from?
We are frightened to be honest.
We are frightened to be sane,
for we think we then would be alone.
The fact is, fear is something by which we live.
And we have found it useful because it keeps us preoccupied.
So we put more alarms and locks on the doors and buy more insurance.
We will begin the longer practice periods today
with a short review of the different kinds of “laws”
we have believed we must obey.
Do we see that it says, “different kinds of laws”?
But there are no different kinds of laws.
There is only one Law,
the Law of Love.
These would include, for example, the “laws” of nutrition, of immunization,
of medication, and of the body’s protection in innumerable ways.
Think further; you believe in the “laws” of friendship,
of “good” relationships and reciprocity.
Perhaps you even think that there are laws
which set forth what is God’s and what is yours.
Many “religions” have been based on this.
They would not save but damn in Heaven’s name.
Yet they are no more strange than other “laws”
you hold must be obeyed to make you safe.
There are no laws but God’s.
Dismiss all foolish magical beliefs today,
and hold your mind in silent readiness to hear
the Voice That speaks the truth to you.
This is “Voice” with a capital “V”.
But we are so preoccupied with our own chatter,
that there is no space,
not even a split second,
for the other Voice to be heard.
This Voice is always resounding within the mind.
How preoccupied we must be not to hear It!
You will be listening to One Who says….
there is no loss under the laws of God.
When the lesson says that He is going to speak to us,
we would be grateful that He has spoken
because it is most extraordinary,
most peaceful.
Our sleep would change,
our diet would be different,
everything is transformed.
One is totally transformed if one has heard it.
Either we hear it from within or when the teacher comes,
will we hear it then?
If we still don’t something is wrong.
If you are under no laws but God’s you are His Holy Son.
If you haven’t heard it, then you are still outside.
There are no fears.
Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
I am as God created me
This is a state of being that knows no fear,
no insecurity,
no violence,
and no conformity
to the rules of time
Excerpt from
Tara Singh