5:10 AM-6/3/20
is to know yourself as you were,
before the world was made,
before you emerged into time.
― Henry Corbin
Alone with the Alone: Creative Imagination in the Sufism of Ibn 'Arabi
page 6 free pdf here..
**See Read More Below Afternoon Photos
To all that is chaotic
in you,
let there come silence.
Let there be
a calming
of the clamoring,
a stilling
of the voices that
have laid their claim
on you,
that have made their
home in you,
that go with you
even to the
holy places
but will not
let you rest,
will not let you
hear your life
with wholeness
or feel the grace
that fashioned you.
Let what divides you
Let there come and end
to what diminishes
and demeans,
and let depart
all that keeps you
in its cage.
an opening
into the quiet
that lies beneath
the chaos,
where you find
the peace
you did not think
see what shimmers
within the storm.
a place where everything comes together,
where loss will be made good, where blindness will transform
into vision, where damage will be made whole,
where the clenched question will open in the house of surprise,
where the travails of a life's journey will enjoy a homecoming.
To invoke a blessing is to call some of that wholeness upon a
person now.
Jan Richardson
With thanks to
The Beauty We Love
CLARITY.... "...The One Who Is Not Busy." June 3, 2019 "Truth makes you utterly naked..." "..disappear into the dance."
CtrlClick above Title (or below) to open above OceanSpeak
The divine manifestation is ubiquitous,
only our eyes are not open to it.
Beyond the world of opposites is an unseen,
but experienced, unity and identity in us all.
The return is seeing that the radiance is everywhere.
We are a match for the world.
The spirit is the bouquet of nature.
Sanctify the place you are in.
—Joseph Campbell
as the innermost possession of their own souls.
Christ only meets them from without, never from within the soul;
that is why dark paganism still reigns there,
a paganism which, now in a form so blatant
that is can no longer be denied
and now in all too threadbare disguise,
is swamping the world
of so-called Christian civilization
(1980, p. 12).
CG Jung
Morning Writing Prior to Whisper Arising
- Alone with the Alone: Creative Imagination in the Sufism of Ibn 'Arabi
Henry Corbin
Additional Photos
4:50 AM
Worse this morning in neck…something is terribly “wrong” or so it’s trying to possess.
Just have no way to understand all of this…even the coffee tastes like poison….
AH..”poison” just appeared into consciousness without me thinking for it….Ma used to talk about being poisoned. Without a doubt I can say/know that this is my own thoughts that are the poison…this is getting more and more intense….path narrows, in other words….YIKES!
Has nothing to do with “physical” doing or not doing at this point of
Emergence from “symbolic” caterpillar and Butterfly Wings drying for Flight…
...as that writes, some relief…
even more thorough SURRENDER into Ancient Core Truth…Origin…is Required.
Does a precious newborn “talk” or “think”? NO!
….must do this Shift “alone with the Alone”.
Happens mentally, emotionally, physically….in that order…
...and at times all jumbled and combining in whatever order “IT” pleases
during latter stages of such possession
the power of the heart is a secret force or energy
( quwwat
Khafiya ),
which perceives divine realities
by a pure hierophanic
knowledge { idrak wadih jali) without mixture of any kind,
because the heart contains even the Divine Rahma.
In its unveiled state,
the heart of the gnostic is like a mirror in which
the microcosmic form of the Divine Being is reflected.”
― Henry Corbin,
Alone with the Alone: Creative Imagination in the Sufism of Ibn 'Arabi
Alone with the Alone: Creative Imagination in the Sufism of Ibn 'Arabi
“But again we must be
careful to bear in mind that for Ibn Arabi fana is never absolute annihilation
( the failure to do so has been a source of countless misunderstandings in regard both to Sufismm and to Buddhism ).
Fana and baqa are always relative terms.
According to Ibn Arabi, one must always state toward what there is
annihilation, and wherein there is survival, persistence.
In the state of fana, of concentration, of "Koran," in which the
essential unity of Creator and Creature is experienced, the
Divine Attributes become predicables of the mystic
( discrimination is suspended ).
Then we may say not only that the mystic
"creates" in the same sense as God Himself creates
( that is to say,
causes something which already existed
in the world of
Mystery to be manifested
in the sensible world ),
but in addition that
God creates this effect through him.
but through the intermediary of the gnostic,
when he is "withdrawn" (fana) from his human attributes
and when he persists, survives ( baqa' )
in his divine attributes.
The mystic is then the medium, the intermediary,
through whom the divine creative power
is expressed and manifested.”
― Henry Corbin,
Alone with the Alone: Creative Imagination in the Sufism of Ibn 'Arabi