2:02 AM-11/15/18
make it a part of you,
it will give you strength.
~ Hopi saying
It’s hard to know how far to continue travelling down a certain path you are currently following. There is a danger of going too far, but, on the other hand, you must give it a fair shot if it is to work. As Venus retrograde now comes to an end you will discover how to deal with this.
Try to worry less about the demands placed on you by others.
It’s what you want that really counts
just prior to sunrise stroll
5:55 AM
Thursday, November 15, 2018
to hand oneself over,
entrust oneself completely to the silence
of a wide landscape of woods and hills,
or sea, or desert;
to sit still while the sun comes up over that land
and fills its silences with light.
and to labor and rest in the afternoon,
and to sit still again in meditation
in the evening when night falls upon that land
and when the silence fills itself with darkness and with stars.
There are few who are willing to belong completely to such silence,
to let it soak into their bones,
to breathe nothing but silence,
to feed on silence,
and to
turn the very substance of their life
into a living and vigilant silence.
~ from THOUGHTS IN SOLITUDE by Thomas Merton
What I do is live.
How I pray is breathe...
Up here in the woods is seen the Word.
That is to say, the wind comes through
the trees and you breathe it.
~ from DAY OF A STRANGER by Thomas Merton

to the sensations of the breath
as it moves through the whole of yourself,
you are called to move inward,
toward the source,
the wellspring,
of your life.
As you do so,
you will experience a profound sense of stillness,
of silence,
underlying not only your breath but also your thoughts,
feelings, and sensations.
In short, you are called home to another,
more fundamental dimension of yourself.
you may discover that you are spontaneously freed
from many of the unnecessary
mental, emotional, and physical tensions
keeping you imprisoned in your narrow self-image
and the constricted, impoverished breathing it fosters.
the incredible miracle of aliveness itself.
your breathing is freed up
and your thoughts, feelings, and actions
take on new intelligence and meaning.
in the deep, silent reality
that connects us all
and makes us one family.
excerpt from
Breathe Into Being: Awakening to Who You Really Are
Dennis Lewis
all his qualities are centered in it;
they are all connected primarily with the silence
and only secondarily with each other.
Therefore it is not so easy
for the defect of one quality to infect all the others,
since it is kept in its place by the silence.
But if there is no silence,
a man can be totally infected
by a single defect
so that he ceases to be a man …”
Max Picard, The World of Silence
the truth will come immediately,
and fill up the space
the ego left unoccupied by lies.
(Course in Miracles...
See Read More below Afternoon Photos)
is a fundamental aspect of meditation practice.
In a childlike awareness of each breath,
breathing out we are quietly aware of breathing out.
Breathing in we are quietly aware of breathing in.
In this way,
our awareness becomes one
with the primitive rhythms of our breathing,
one with the simply given nature of
now's ceaseless flow
in which our life is rooted.
~ from THE CONTEMPLATIVE HEART by James Findley
where the world is breathing.
~ Kabir
See Read More Below
Course in Miracles Study
Sarah's Reflections
For the mystic, nothing has to happen.
"Recognize what does not matter,
and if your brothers ask you
for something 'outrageous,'
do it because it does not matter."
(T.12.III.4.1) (ACIM OE
I notice how much suffering I bring into my life when I make something matter.
Jon reminded me in his article,
we truly can discover new freedom
when we let our rules go of how we think things should
be and simply accept what is.
He wrote that when we say "whatever,"
it simply means it does not matter.
It means that it is truly not important.
When we get this,
we can let go of being offended, disappointed,
or upset by what someone has done.
Again, what is it to be the savior of the world?
What are we being asked to do?
Quite simply,
we are to be the light of the world.
We are to be happy.
Happiness is our function.
We bring joy by our very Being
when we make space for truth.
"But when there is no arrogance the truth
will come immediately, and fill up
the space the ego left unoccupied by lies."
(W.31 9.1.3)
As we willingly bring the
darkness to the light and look to the
truth beyond, we experience
trust and confidence that grow
in power and freedom.
It is a matter of reclaiming our
projections and recognizing what does not matter.
Above from:
Course in Miracles Study
Sarah's Reflections
When a person speaks,
it shows that they want to take the initiative,
to direct, and even to dominate.
On the contrary, by remaining silent,
a person indicates they are ready to listen
and to receive what another says to them.
Considered from a psychological point of view,
silence is therefore the distinctive feature of the feminine principle,
which receives, submits to,
and is shaped by the masculine principle.
What conclusion can you draw from this for your spiritual life?
That you should learn to re-establish silence within you,
so that the divine Spirit, the masculine principle,
may work on your psychic matter.
As long as you are rebellious, stubborn, and anarchic,
spirit cannot act on you,
and you remain
weak and miserable.
No sooner do you manage to create silence
than you place yourselves under the influence of spirit,
and it will work wonders within you.
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov