5:16 AM-1/19/20
(as the above Whisper Wrote,
there was NO conscious memory
of the first four quotes (green font below)
that were saved during the last two days...
for today's Offering)
It takes great courage to meet
the full force of your aloneness.
Most of the activity in society is subconsciously designed
to quell the voice crying in the wilderness within you.
that when you go out into the world,
you return having lost some of yourself.
Until you learn to inhabit your aloneness,
the lonely distraction and noise of society will seduce
you into false belonging,
with which you will only become empty and weary.
something begins to happen.
Gradually, the sense of bleakness changes
into a sense of true belonging.
This is a slow and open-ended transition
but it is utterly vital
in order to come into rhythm
with your own individuality.
of finding your true home within your life.
It is not narcissistic,
for as soon as you rest
in the house of your own heart,
doors and windows begin to open
outwards to the world.
your connections with others
become real and creative.
scrape affirmation from others
or from projects outside yourself.
This is slow work;
it takes years to bring your mind home.
~John O'Donohue
in all its beauty
be ashamed of
where it grows.
~Michael Xavier
(REMAINING 'GREEN FONT' quotes below in AFTERNOON section)
is that it feels like
we always have a carrot in front of us.
– Rodney Yee
We should meet abuse by forbearance.
Human nature is so constituted
that if we take absolutely no notice of anger or abuse,
the person indulging in it will soon weary of it and stop.
“Patience is the highest asceticism.”
This is a quote attributed to the Buddha,
from the 184th verse of the Dhammapada.
Mahatma Gandhi
If we remain too identified with “falling apart,”
we lose contact with that which was never unhealed,
untransformed, and was never “together” to begin with.
That innate radiance, the holiness of the breath,
and the miracle of having an open sensitive nervous system.
We disconnect with the magic of embodied presence,
the wisdom of the mud and the earth,
and the unshakable confidence in our true nature.
we split off from our organic spontaneity,
imaginative vulnerability, and the truth
that love will take whatever form it must
to reveal its qualities within us.
Raw, achy, illuminating
heartbreak may approach at any time,
requesting safe passage inside.
But it is through this broken aliveness
that the poetry of our lives will flow.
“falling apart” and “holding it together”
is the secret place.
Go there.
It is here where light and dark are at play.
For just a moment the veil parts.
We peer behind the curtain and are astonished.
Jeff Foster
do not agree with your direct experience,
trust your experience.
Prefer the truth of your
experience to your dearest delusions...
Mystic Meandering
for Additional Truth of Being Understandings
Q: P’taah a friend asked me, What is unconditional love? And how does it work?
P’taah: All right, that is a very good one because what you call love, very often, we would not call love, eh? You know, love is simply another name for goddess/god. Love is the building block of existence. Love is whole and complete within itself, and requires no return.
So you may say that when you express love, and you express love which requires no return, you are expressing the goddess/god-ness of you.
When it comes with conditions, that is a different thing altogether. That does not mean that you cannot love somebody, or care deeply. But, you know, in the truest love and appreciation, and awe and wonderment simply at the wholeness of love, you get an idea of what is unconditional love, hmm? And our desire for each of you is that you will know unconditional love for who you are, as a perfect expression of goddess/god.
When you think about who you are, you very often edit who you think you are because much of who you think you are does not, in a way, come up to standard, is not good enough. And you think of what you would call the not so nice bits, or the bad bits for some of you, or the things that you have said and done and thought that were certainly not of love.
And so you will not acknowledge, you will not embrace.
But when you understand that all of those, what you would call negative aspects, were simply born out of fear that you were not enough, then indeed you can open your heart, you can look honestly at who you are, acknowledge it, and acknowledge the fear that created these thoughts and actions which were not as whole as you would have wanted.
And be in the understanding that all of this, all of this, comes from that small portion of you which has forgotten the truth of you: that you are perfect, that you are eternal, and that you are the most wondrous expression of goddess/god.
And when you can look at who you are and love that expression of goddess/god that you are, then indeed you are coming to really understand unconditional love.
Excerpt from:
Monthly newsletter from this site...arrived 1/19/20