2:44 AM-2/19/17
*Tao Te Ching #4
Stephen Mitchell Translation
We may be beyond our limits of time and space and enjoyment.
I don’t know what to say to us...
to experience the love and care deep in our souls.
I know though that what is happening is that because of our choices,
we are spending our remaining days with people
that we do not necessarily love or who do not necessarily love us…
except for their need of us, as in how we make them feel,
how they would fare if we are not here
and their fear of facing the future without our presence
as the strong anchor they have always experienced us as.
do not understand us and do not have any longing for us…
who are strangers to our souls!
go to a movie…
or sit at home..
with people who do not lift us and people who do not make us aspire
to a deeper journey but who cause us
always in tempter form to become harder, less caring, more protective
and who in the end contribute to our lonesome journey in life
and keep us away from our Tuscany or from anything that is real,
either felt or imagined.
that we will not be longing for a touch from our colleagues at work...
or the tempters in our lives...
or the ones who have always envied us
and fought us and belittled us…
we will long for the touch of a hand that knows who we are...
for someone to sit on the bed with us and talk to us in silence...
for someone to gaze upon us without condemnation of any kind
but with eyes of love and hearts of understanding….
We will want someone to be with us who understands our journey …
of the paths we took and the reason we stayed on the debilitating road
we were on for so long...
These are the things we will want and long for…
Will we have the time to do this for each other?
Will be even have the sense or the urgent push
to make it to each other where we can ease the burden
and smooth the creases of life
from the foreheads of the friends we hold dear?…
All I know is….
We do not know when the urgency will be upon us
and when we will have reached the point of no return
when we do not have enough time
to wrap our hearts together and recognize each other’s breath…
Dr. Reg Eldon - Nassau Bahamas
February 14, 2017 11:41 p.m.
See Read More after last photos today
Even while the earth sleeps we travel.
and it is in our ripeness and our fullness of heart
that we are
given to the wind and are scattered.
Kahlil Gibran
The Prophet
Chapter: The Farewell
You hear consciousness.
You go with me where the words I say can't carry you.
Kahlil Gibran
(Gibran's words quoted from Mary Haskell's journal dated 5th June 1924)
Kahlil Gibran*
who seem as if they do not belong here,
but had strayed from just round the corner
while they were on the way
to another planet or world.
Kahlil Gibran*
*Quoted in GODSEED: The Alchemy of Primordial Memory
Dorothea M. Mills/ew
is essentially to break the limitations of a certain concretization
that happens which we call “personality.”
To evolve from being a person to a presence.
If you are a person, that means you have made a shell out of yourself.
You formed a shell, within that shell only you can operate.
If you break this shell, you will no more be a person
but simply a presence – as life is, as God is, just a presence.
If it can be encased in a shell, it becomes a person.
Yoga means you are slowly working on making the shell thinner and thinner,
more and more porous,
that one day you can exist without a shell.
see Read More Below
for more re: Dr. Eldon