5:06 AM-6/22/20
liquid gyroscope built into our body for its health,
but we don’t pay very much attention to its signals.
Actually we don’t listen at all.
We just go get a pill to fix things which is usually
an artificial bandage on the real problem –
being out of cynic (sync) with our bodies natural rhythm.
Cell phones use a gyroscope, airplanes have about a dozen in things
from it’s compass to autopilot.
And a yo-yo’s spinning motion gives it gyroscopic stability.
But the image I prefer is the regulating effect of gyroscopes on big cruise ships –
also called gyrostabilizers or stabilizers.
Here they help reduce the rolling and imbalance of a ship at sea.
When waves cause the ship to roll,
the motion automatically activates
the gyrostabilizers to right and steady the ship.
This is how our “internal gyroscope” helps steady,
stabilize and right us when we are off balance.
It activates our brains natural self-stabilizing reaction
by triggering mental defense mechanisms to put us back in balance
and in a state of
cognitive consonance vs. the off balance state of cognitive dissonance.
Excerpt from:
Google for
Gryscopic Chakras:
may my heart always be open to little
birds who are the secrets of living
whatever they sing is better than to know
and if men should not hear them men are old
and fearless and thirsty and supple
and even if it's sunday may i be wrong
for whenever men are right they are not young
and love yourself so more than truly
there's never been quite such a fool who could fail
pulling all the sky over him with one smile
—E. E. Cummings
All Photos for today's OceanSpeak from: June 22, 2018
HOLY SILENCE "Thus Spake The Heart Whisperer" Milestone "..your body’s wild word." June 22, 2018
"CtrlClick above Title (or below) to open above OceanSpeak
When the path ignites a soul,
there's no remaining in place.
The foot touches ground,
but not for long.
stays always in motion,
and there is no you there, and no reason.
and so doing, throws himself
under the flying hooves.
In love-unity there's no old or new.
Everything is nothing.
God alone is.
and the delicate tracings on it cannot
be explained with language.
Clouds burn off as the sun rises,
and the love-world floods with light.
as well as useful.
There is an affection that covers the glory,
rather than dissolving into it.
like the change in Persian
from the word "friendship"
to the word "work."
That happens with just a dot
above or below the third letter.
of union that doesn't actively work
for the inner conversation.
Your hand and feet must move,
as a stream streams, working
as its Self, to get to the ocean.
of the search.
Being famous, or being a disgrace,
who's ahead or behind, these considerations
are rocks and clogged places
that slow you.
out of its husk and sleek as Adam.
Don't ask for anything other
than the presence.
apart from That.
A full container cannot be more full.
Be whole, and nothing.
—Hakim Sanai (1044? - 1150?)
Coleman Barks version