4:37 AM-1/4/18
your shadow is before you;
but when you turn and face the sun,
then your shadow falls behind you.
Bowl of Saki, January 4, by Hazrat Inayat Khan
The life one recognizes is only the mortal aspect of life.
Very few have ever seen or been conscious of the immortal aspect at all.
Once one has realized life,
that which one has hitherto called life
is found to be only a glimpse or shadow
of the real life
that is beyond comprehension.
from http://wahiduddin.net/mv2/VII/VII_4.htm
where we confuse the shadow of ourselves with reality.
This is the Nafs, the false ego, which stands in the light before God,
causing, so to speak, a spiritual eclipse....
The Nafs turns us from the One to the many,
enticing us with the things of this world.
Then man attaches himself to one thing after another,
which brings, at best, momentary satisfaction.
Through his spiritual practices the Sufi learns to chain the Nafs,
to perceive that it is only a shadow of reality;
and finding the sun of truth within his being,
looking upon it,
one is no longer aware of the shadow.
The whole of man's being is attuned to God
and everything within him serves God.
This is the work of all on the path of illumination,
of whatever school they may be.
There is no other obstacle than this false self,
and there is no better means of controlling it
than by meditation
and by practicing
the presence of God.
~~~ "Githa II, Dhyana 2, Meditation",
by Hazrat Inayat Khan (unpublished)
to look through space freely,
having nothing to hide or conceal;
allowing the light of truth to shine
from within and the light of the sun without;
light all around,
no shadow of any kind
hindering the light
which is the soul of every being.
from http://wahiduddin.net/mv2/XIII/XIII_2.htm
Silence - is life and fulfilment
True silence is not only an absence of noise,
true silence is neither empty nor mute.
On the contrary, true silence is plenitude, it is alive, vibrant,
it talks and sings.
You may wonder how you can hear this silence.
You will hear it only once the big bass drums
– our passions, our emotions and our chaotic thoughts –
stop beating within us.
There is much work to do,
requiring a lot of patience and mastery of our psychic life.
silence will come and wrap us in its splendid coat.
and we will sense something very powerful
reigning and presiding over the world:
the great primordial silence
from which creation stems
and to which
it will one day return.
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
miriam louisa
What is your life about, anyway?
Nothing but a struggle to be someone.
Nothing but a running from your own silence.
– Rumi
(Your earnest claim of being no one
shatters silence as effectively
as any “struggle to be someone.”)
have you noticed
the iridescent miracle
hovering at the window of wonderment?
excerpts above in this font color from:
miriam louisa
this moment,
every moment,
if it's genuinely inside you,
brings what you need.
There's nothing to believe.
Only when I stopped believing in myself
did I come into this beauty.
Sit quietly, and listen for a voice that will say,
'Be more silent.'
Die and be quiet.
Quietness is the surest sign that you've died.
Your old life was a frantic running from silence.
Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking.
Live in silence.